ARTICLES > Enjoying New Media

HDTV is more than watching movies, sporting events or TV shows. Your HDTV and home theater system open many new media opportunities. New audio and video media content are quickly replacing traditional videotapes and DVD discs and add to the enjoyment of a home theater system.

Blu-ray disc players were developed for HDTV and offer high-definition video and audio quality far greater than conventional DVD discs. A Blu-ray disc player produces stunning video images and high-definition audio that matches the quality of a studio master recording.

Your HDTV and home theater system can put you in the front row center seat of your favorite concert. High definition video and audio bring the concert experience to life with better picture quality and greater audio clarity.

Like many music fans, you probably have stored many of your favorite songs and videos on an iPod. Use your iPod as a music and video source by connecting it to your Yamaha home theater system.

An HDTV is much more than a new television. With a home theater system and new audio and video media content, HDTV has become the focal point of home entertainment.

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