The flute-a beautiful nymph transformed?

The flute has its origins in the reed pipe. This worked on the same principle as the grass whistles that we, as children, would make by snapping off a stalk of grass and then play by blowing into them. According to Greek mythology, the reed flute was first played by the satyr Pan. When Pan chased the beautiful nymph Syrinx (which means reed) and tried to embrace her, Syrinx, who did not like Pan, prayed to the river gods and was transformed into lovely reeds. It is said that Pan missed the transformed nymph and found comfort for the rest of his life by playing his reed pipes.
Another Greek myth relates that the flute was invented by the goddess Athena. However, Athena said that when she played her flute with all her might, her face would contort and her beauty was marred, so in the end she threw away the flute which she had made. Which of these two myths makes you want to play the flute?
(Reference material: Hayashi Akai "The Story of the Pipes," Ongakunotomosha 1987)

Pan playing his reed pipes

Pan playing his reed pipes