
Schedule *

NEW! Bill Cantos - Music of A&M Records
Performance of the Month

   On Demand Weekend

NEW! Tom Zink and Anne Walsh
Performance of the Month

   On Demand Weekend

NEW! Lia Booth
Performance of the Month

   On Demand Weekend

NEW! The Hot Sardines
At the MIM

   On Demand Weekend

* Subject to change without notice

Live Broadcast Icon. = Live Broadcast

On Demand Weekend Icon. = On Demand Weekend

NEW! The Hot Sardines
At the MIM


Musical Instrument Museum (MIM)
4725 E Mayo Blvd
Phoenix, AZ 85050

This all-new program features the Hot Sardines performing an outstanding collection of standards and jazz favorites! Recorded live at the Musical Instrument Museum in Arizona, you'll enjoy hearing your Disklavier play along with the band, just as it was played during the performance. This powerhouse ensemble takes you back to the glamour and passion of “hot jazz” in the ‘20s, ‘30s and ‘40s.

"Not many bands have seized the postmillennial early-jazz spotlight with as much gusto as The Hot Sardines.” —WBGO Radio, New York City