?uestlove featured on Monday Night Football video

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (July 13, 2006) — Yamaha and The Roots drummer Ahmir Thompson, aka ?uestlove (pronounced Questlove), is ready for some football. ?uestlove joined country icon Hank Williams Jr. and an all-star band recently at the Orlando, Fla. House of Blues for video filming of the new Monday Night Football opening.

?uestlove accompanied Williams on the high-energy Monday Night Football theme "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Monday Night," based on Williams' hit "All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight."

"?uest has always transcended his status as 'only a drummer.' His name is well respected, and he is seen as an entity within the entertainment industry. Having him be the call for this type of thing just makes so much sense and is the smart thing for Monday Night Football to do. We are just honored ?uest chooses to play our drums. Having him as a drum artist is humbling," comments Joe Testa, international artist relations manager for Yamaha Drums.

A superstar jam band representing musical influences from country to rock to hip-hop was assembled for the first time, giving the Monday Night Football opening a new twist. The complete list of musicians includes:

  • Drummers – ?uestlove (The Roots) and Angela Webster (The Believers);
  • Guitarists – Chris Burney (Bowling for Soup), Rick Nielsen (Cheap Trick), and Steven Van Zandt (E Street Band);
  • Bassist – Bootsy Collins (Parliament Funkadelic);
  • Keyboardists – Little Richard and Bernie Worrell (Parliament Funkadelic);
  • Fiddler – Charlie Daniels; and
  • Saxophonist – Clarence Clemons (E Street Band).

  • The Monday Night Football video will debut prior to kickoff of ESPN's regular season-opening doubleheader on Sept. 11, featuring the Minnesota Vikings at the Washington Redskins (7 p.m. ET) followed by the San Diego Chargers at the Oakland Raiders (10:15 p.m. ET). With 36 years and counting, Monday Night Football is sports television's longest-running and most successful series.

    Drummer/producer ?uestlove is an innovative link between the digital science of modern hip-hop and the flesh and blood textures of vintage R&B. He co-founded The Roots, hailed as one of the most sonically inventive hip-hop acts, and has collaborated with artists such as D'Angelo, Erykah Badu and Common. The Roots' newest record Game Theory will be in stores Aug. 29, and the band is currently touring the U.S.

    ?uestlove's Yamaha drum kit includes:

    Acoustic Drums:
    Absolute Maple Nouveau
    ABD-1524TASF 24 x 18 Bass Drum
    AFT-1516ASF 16 x 16 Bass Drum
    AFT-1518ASF 18 x 16 Bass Drum
    ASD-0534ASF 14 x 3.5 Snare Drum

    (2) CS-840

    ?uestlove featured on Monday Night Football video
    — ?uestlove Joins Hank Williams Jr. and All-Star Band for Video Shoot —