Aaron started drumming at the age of ten when given the opportunity to either due chorus or band. Clearly there was only one choice. Steeped in the musical challenges of quarter notes and eighth notes on the snare drum, Aaron graduated to drum kit by the age of thirteen. It was then that he realized the endless possibilities before him.
Growing up in Seattle served as an expansive musical conduit during the early nineties. While studying the ins’ and out’s of Jazz, Latin and fusion, Aaron was building real world experience with original projects that he had helped form from rock to funk, while staying involved with Big Band and small group playing on the school level. This eventually led to Aaron branching out and enrolling in William Patterson University just outside of Manhattan and furthering knowledge and skills with help from the likes of John Riley and Rufus Reid. His time at WPU was short feeling as though he needed to be getting more playing experience and decided to give the Cruise ship gig a shot.
Able to put most of every style that had come before him to use in this situation, the cruise gig proved to be a young drummers boot camp. While proficiency in stylistic play was a must, the ability to sight read while playing to click on a nightly basis was also a must. After a year on the high seas Aaron felt it best to get involved in a music program again. This time the destination would be Miami at Florida International University.
For three more years Miami was home were an emphasis on Jazz and Latin jazz were key area’s of study. It wasn’t until his last year of living in Miami that Aaron began playing in rock projects again and felt that a bridge had been gapped after a long absence. This lead to the eventual departure from a city otherwise void of the rock scene, to a one Los Angeles witch is arguably the strongest rock scene in the world.
It is here in LA where Aaron has spent the last 4 ½ years three of witch have been with TRAPT. Playing in TRAPT has allowed Aaron to access all of the acquired skills along the way and put them in a musical format that is comfortably eclectic for a rock situation. "Learning how to access all of the knowledge inside you and express it in creative ways" is one of the many challenges that makes music and drumming in particular a life long quest. One that Aaron looks forward to going on.