Jonathan Bhatia is the Lecturer of Music in Trumpet at the University of Nevada, Reno Department of Music. Jonathan has performed in various venues and competitions across the globe. He was a prizewinner at the International Prize Competition in Tuscany, Italy, a featured artist at the 2017 International Trumpet Guild Conference in Hershey, PA and a contributing artist at the 2017 International Horn Symposium in Natal, Brazil.
Jonathan is a founding member and Principal Trumpet of the Alias Brass Company, an internationally recognized brass chamber ensemble. As a part of their educational mission, the Alias Brass Company regularly presents masterclasses and educational seminars for audiences of all ages in order to promote the instrumental art form and inspire creativity in the next generation of musicians and music appreciators.
In addition to regularly performing with the Alias Brass Company, Jonathan has performed with the Houston Symphony Orchestra, Rodney Marsalis Philadelphia Big Brass, Reno Philharmonic Orchestra, Brazos Valley Symphony, Symphony of Southeast Texas, Columbus Symphony Orchestra, Columbus Ballet, Southeast Symphony and the All-Star Brass. He has held positions with the Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra, as their tenured Principal Trumpet; the American Youth Symphony, as their second trumpet; and was fortunate enough to play alongside Icelandic composer Johann Johannsson in a live performance of "The Miners' Hymn", which was featured in the Los Angeles Times' "List of the Best 25 Classical Moments of 2014". As a recording artist, Jonathan has been featured on National Public Radio, can be heard playing on various films and albums including the animated feature film Duck Duck Goose, Jens Lindemann's album Northern Lights and various recorded performances on his YouTube channel he shares with his fiancé, hornist Natalie Brooke Higgins, the BrassHaus Network.
Jonathan's flair for trumpet solo performance has earned him numerous appearances with ensembles of varying size and scope. He was featured as a soloist with the "Soul of the City" Concert Series in Beaumont, TX, the Debut Orchestra for their 60th Gala Celebration and the University of California, Los Angeles' Philharmonia.
As a college professor, Jonathan educates undergraduate and graduate music performance and music education trumpet students weekly through applied lessons, studio classes and chamber ensembles. Prior to his appointment at the University of Nevada, Reno, Jonathan was the Instructor of Music in Trumpet at Lamar University, a Texas State University, where he increased the size of the Lamar University Trumpet Studio from nine to a peak of 23 students and provided them with numerous performance opportunities, including an appearance at the 2018 International Trumpet Guild Conference in San Antonio, TX.
Jonathan holds two degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he studied with Jens Lindemann and Tom Hooten. He has additionally been mentored by Mark Hughes and Rob Roy McGregor.
Jonathan is a Yamaha Performing Artist and performs exclusively on Yamaha instruments.